This teeny-tiny poisonous frog from Ecuador is “Worlds Best Frog Mom”.

Its almost mother’s day! If you forgot, here’s your reminder to get your mom something nice. In honor of mother’s day, I would love to tell everyone about our little friend here. Say hello to the little devil poison frog. Let me tell you, this is one devoted mom. Any sort of parental behavior isContinue reading “This teeny-tiny poisonous frog from Ecuador is “Worlds Best Frog Mom”.”

The Tarantula Hawk is a terrifying marriage of “The Predator” and “Invasion of the Body Snatchers”

Meet the tarantula hawk. Where do I even start with this guy? Last week we talked about bumblebees. These fuzzy buddies share the same order as the tarantula hawk: hymenoptera. The bumblebee might evoke the same feelings as a pleasant lo-fi bop heard in an animated movie credit sequence. The tarantula hawk, on the otherContinue reading “The Tarantula Hawk is a terrifying marriage of “The Predator” and “Invasion of the Body Snatchers””

The Bumblebee- our adorable native pollinator

Its spring here in the pacific northwest and you know what that means – flowers, sunshine, bunnies and bumblebees! Bumblebees are probably one of the cutest things on the face of the earth. Watching them is like watching a fuzzy striped marble learning how to fly. These guys zoom about making a sound reminiscent ofContinue reading “The Bumblebee- our adorable native pollinator”

The 17-year Cicada: a Colossal Natural Phenomenon

This might seem a little weird, but I love cicadas. Since I was a little girl, I just thought they were the coolest. Cicadas are a large, winged insect, about the same size and width of half your thumb. They have no mouth parts other than a proboscis, so they don’t really bite. They alsoContinue reading “The 17-year Cicada: a Colossal Natural Phenomenon”

Why do birds sing?

Hello friends! Spring is right around the corner! The snow is melting, flowers are starting to pop up, trees are getting their leaves and blossoms, and birds are singing. My husband and I went on a nature walk the other day, and I even heard a huge chorus of frogs! Surely, spring will be hereContinue reading “Why do birds sing?”

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